Sunday, June 7, 2009

GIANT TACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

i got a sandwhich in ma pocket!

Z: is it pb&j?

A: yep

C: can i put a new post on thisbrandom?

Z: sure y not?

A: i got a sandwhich in ma pocket!

Z: it's one of those uncrustable kinds

A: i got a sandwhich in my pocket!

Monday, May 18, 2009

i like waffles

Do you like waffles?
yeah we like waffles!
Do you like pancakes?
yeah we like pancakes!
do you like french toast?
yeah we like french toast!

DOo Doo Doo Do cant wait to get a mouthful!

Friday, May 15, 2009

21st Century Breakdown....

....I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE NEW GREEN DAY CD IS NOW MINNNEE!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!....i think having a grilled cheese sandwhich to celebrate was a bad idea....anyways...... so today i got the new Green Day CD, 21st Century Breakdown. And so far*whispers* awesome. cheer for me and be jealous because today was the day of its release oohhhhhhh burrrn!!! what now??? yes. i'm a huge GD fan if you can't tell. Not like a stalker fan, just a fan...a slightly obsessive fan. can you believe that people think i have ADD--OMG ITS RAINING!!!!!!

Mrs. Metzler chachacha

Z: this is going to be an interview with the librarian here, mrs. metzler
Z: how are you today?
M: pretty good.
Z: okay this is off the record, but were in
M: mama mia!
Z: she happens to be german..
Z: incognito, do you have anything to say to this?
I:...taco pig?
Z: when did u realize you wanted to be a librarian?
M: i didnt realize it, i stumbled into it while i was a computer geek that likd to read a lot, and it turns out that computer geeks that like to read a lot are good at organizing and mantaining a library. so um..i read everything under the sun...anything...any kind of book, fiction, non fiction, all genres...
Z; what has been your favorite book of all time that you have read from htis library?
M: that would be like choosing which one of your children is the best, theyr different..
I: thats possible tho..
Z: which onesticks out in your mind?
M: well, one book that i dunno...i really like "So B it", i liked "Foundation", thats like my big sci fi, i really liked the Singer of all Songs, Ursula most of my favorites are fantasy or sci fi
Z: whats your fav non fiction?
M: my favorite nonfiction actually not in this library, but i read a super Ben Franklin biography..i like biographies..
Z: ive got a q...i once read a book on the Loch Ness monster..
I: oh yah!
Z: it had a bunch of facts and stuff..does that count as nonfiction?
M: yah
m: James Harriet, the all creatures great and small, omigoodness...i love james harriet
Z: do you have any dogs of your own?
M: the aging Zoey, a mutt, looks like shes part german shephard but ive been told shes an american eskimo..
M: and Zoey is the sweetest dog but a total she barks a lot because shes so scared of everyone, but please dont let a man come to our door with a hat on, she will think hes a terrorist.
Z: have you had any cats?
M: well this year we had a terrible tragedy...we had 2 cats, but maggie, was very old, just went under the chair and died. then our other cat, talon the crazy cat, was kidnapped apparently, he jus disappeared, and apparently there was 3 other cats that disappeared in the same time frame. and we had another cat a few years back who had a tumor and his name was Perrier, and his name was perrier because he swam across a creek to get to us. i have a philosiphy: cat names must be long.
M; so our wimp dog is afraid of thunderstorms so one night she crawled in bed with havent lived till youve had a 65 lbs dog crawl into your bed.

Die Romantic

I: this B random?
Z: mmhmm
I: diiiie romantic, romantic...
Z: okay this plural/possessive nouns is sooo there somthing im missing?
I: not that i know of...
Z:um...i like gonna look for another picture.......hat.,...random hat...
I: what? can you repeat that?
Z: i said hat, and random hat, and then i said hat rack...dude...tack rack!
I: what? yes.
Z:awww is so cute!look!
I: awwww!
Z: its cute is it not? gifttrap....
I: its a pig...
Z: i know
I: taco pig
I: ookay i have been disturbed beyond all comprehension
Z: umm..hmhmhm.....hey did u no theres a great wall of tibet?
I: no..
Z: jackolantern! gasp! dude! pumpkin king!
I: i jack, the pumpkin king..
Z; sally!!
I: *coughing*
I: hark the raven "nevermore!"
Z: j doesnt have a picture...
I: edgar allen poe
Z: hah...raven..
Z: this be randomm...
I; die romantic, romantic
I; thats stuck in my head now

Cello and Basso

What does Disney have a gainst tthe cello? We had to watch High School Musical for our sschool and apparently theres something wrong with playing the cello. The guys like " I have a confession........ I PLAY THE CELLO" and there all like "NO NO NO, stick to the stuff you know!" WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CELLO! Nothing, nothing is wrong with it 'cause I play the cello and so doesmy friend on here. Acctuly she is a basso 'cause she plays the cello and she also plays the bass but you know whaat I'm talking about. Anyways, I'll show you a cool cello so that you know there's nothing wrong with it.

BYE!!!!!!!!! and you better like that cello!


Guess what......... I DON'T KNOW!!!!! This isn't about the army aat all I just came up with something random. READ MISSING ABBY by Lee Weatherly. It is like my all time favorite book now. It is a mystery and a little bit sad, but it's wonderful too. By the way this is Alice 'cause you probably don't know my nickname.

ALICE CHACHACHA!!!! Anyways bye!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


um........rawr......hi......^-^ with various obsessions including giant tacos and pigs

badda bing

YO everybody...ths is the most random blog you have ever read. if you don't like randomness then yu shuldn't be reading this blog. if you have a problem with this TURN BACK NOW!!

